2023/24 Argentina Corn 22% Harvested, Impacted by Corn Stunt


Rainfall over the weekend in Argentina was generally confined to northern and northeastern areas of the country. At the end of last week, there were some light frosts in the more southern areas and at higher elevations with potentially more widespread frosts later this week.

The problem with corn leafhoppers and corn stunt disease continues to impact especially the late planted corn in Argentina. We will not know the full extent of the damage until the late planted corn is harvested. Damage from the disease can range from 5% lower yields to 100%, so there could be some lost acreage in the hardest hit areas. The Argentina corn estimate was lowered 2.0 million tons this week to 47.0 million and there may be further reductions going forward.

Corn in Argentina was 22.1% harvested as of late last week which represented an advance of 2.3% for the week. In the core production area, the corn was 65% harvested with 10-20% harvested in southern Argentina and 0% harvested in far northern Argentina.

The corn yield thus far is averaging 8,780 kg/ha (139.6 bu/ac), which is down 1.1 bu/ac from the prior week. The highest corn yields are being reported in the northern core area where the corn is 65% harvested and yields are averaging 10,250 kg/ha (162.9 bu/ac). The lowest yields are from southern Buenos Aires and southern La Pampa where the corn is 15% harvested and yields are averaging 5,280 kg/ha (83.9 bu/ac).

Corn in Argentina was rated 40% poor/very poor, 42% fair, and 18% good/excellent as of late last week. The good/excellent percentage was up 1% compared to the prior week. The soil moisture for the corn was rated 15% short/very short, 84% favorable/optimum, and 1% saturated. The favorable/optimum percentage is up 4% from the prior week. Below is the Argentina corn rating for May 1, 2024 from the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange.


2023/24 Argentina Corn Ratings*

Condition Soil Moisture
Poor/V. Poor % Good/Excellent % Short/V Short Favorable/Optimum
Mar. 27, 2024 25 (53) 22 (9) 28 (49) 71 (51)
Apr. 4, 2024 32 (52) 17 (6) 33 (45) 66 (55)
Apr. 11, 2024 36 (53) 19 (6) 34 (46) 66 (54)
Apr. 17, 2024 36 (54) 20 (6) 22 (45) 77 (55)
Apr. 24, 2024 40 (52) 17 (5) 18 (49) 80 (51)
May 1, 2024 40 (54) 18 (17) 15 (50) 84 (50)

*Source: Buenos Aires Grain Exchange – Crop Condition & Development Stages

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