2023/24 Argentina Corn 19% Planted vs. 25% Average

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The weather in Argentina is becoming problematic. Rainfall thus far this spring has been below normal and not enough to recharge the soil moisture after last year’s severe drought. Rains were very limited over the weekend with only a few light showers. The forecast is only calling for light and scattered showers this week. Rains are finally expected to build across the region next week. Additionally, there were widespread frosts last week across southern Argentina which may force some of the early planted corn to be replanted.

Corn planting in Argentina occurs in two phases with the first phase ending at the end of October and the second phase starting in early December. Approximately 40% of the corn is planted during the first phase, but if the moisture situation does not improve soon, some farmers may decide to reduce their early corn acreage, wait for improved moisture, and switch some of those corn acres to soybeans instead. It is a little too early to say that for sure, but there is the possibility that farmers may end up planting less corn than anticipated and more soybeans.

Planting of the early corn in Argentina reached 19.4% as of late last week compared to 24.8% average. This represents an advance of 5.4% for the week. In the core production area, the corn is approximately 70% planted with 5-20% planted in southern Argentina and 0% planted in far northern Argentina.

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