2022 U.S. Soybean Yield Unchanged at 50.5 bu/ac


The 2022 U.S. soybean yield was left unchanged this week at 50.5 bu/ac and I have a neutral bias going forward. Since there were beneficial rains last week and over the weekend, I decided to leave the soybean yield unchanged this week.

In the September Crop Report, the USDA lowered the 2022 U.S. soybean yield to 50.5 bu/ac, which is the same yield I have been using for several weeks. There were beneficial rains last week and over the weekend that should help some of the later developing soybeans. The USDA is using a soybean harvested acreage of 86.63 million acres, which is 98.9% of planted. That sounds reasonable to me, so therefore, I am going to use their harvested acreage, at least for now.

There were showers late last week in Nebraska, Iowa, and Minnesota with more showers over the weekend in Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana. They will help the later maturing soybeans, but they probably came too late for the earlier maturing soybeans. Soybeans in the western Corn Belt are 30% to 45% dropping leaves which means they are approximately 50% to 65% turning yellow. When soybeans start to turn yellow, no more seed weight is added and the seeds start to lose moisture from that point forward.

The 2022 U.S. soybean condition declined 1% last week to 56% rated good/excellent. The soybeans are 97% setting pods compared to 96% last year and 8% average. The soybeans are 22% dropping leaves compared to 35% last year and 28% average.

In the September Crop Report, the USDA lowered soybean yield to 50.5 bu/ac. They lowered the soybean planted acreage to 87.5 million acres and the soybean harvested acreage to 86.6 million acres. The total soybean production is estimated at 4.38 billion bushels.


Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

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