2022 U.S. Corn Yield Lowered 3.0 bu/ac to 170.0 bu/ac


The 2022 U.S. corn yield was lowered 3.0 bu/ac this week to 170.0 bu/ac and I have a neutral to lower bias going forward.

The corn yield was lowered due to a continued decline in the corn condition, persistent dry conditions in parts of the western Corn Belt, confirmation of lower yields from recent crop tours, and potential harvest delays in southern locations due to wet conditions. Additionally, last week’s crop tour did not survey some of the worst areas such as Kansas, Texas, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, and North Carolina.

Rainfall last week favored the northern Midwest with heavier rains across the southern Delta. Over the weekend, the rain favored Iowa, southeastern Minnesota, and northern Missouri.

The eastern Corn Belt received some rain with lessor amounts in the far western Corn Belt. Temperatures were seasonal with no extremes. The forecast for early this week is for showers in the central and eastern Midwest with dryer conditions later in the week. The western Corn Belt will once again receive the least rainfall if any at all.

The weekend rains were very welcomed in Iowa and southeastern Minnesota and they will go a long way in finishing the corn crop. The biggest concern for the corn continues to be Kansas, Nebraska, far western Iowa, eastern South Dakota, and western Minnesota. The high temperatures and dry conditions negatively impacted the corn during pollination and early grain fill and even though the weather improved during August, the damage had already been done. It is unlikely that improved weather going forward is going to add-back any significant yield to the corn, but it could keep the crop from deteriorating further.

The condition of the 2022 corn crop declined 1% last week to 54% rated good/excellent. The corn is 86% dough compared to 90% last year and 88% average. The corn is 46% dented compared to 56% last year and 52% average and the corn is 8% mature compared to 8% last year and 9% average. The corn harvest in the southern states has been slowed by wet weather.


Author: Michael Cordonnier/Soybean & Corn Advisor, Inc.

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