2022/23 Brazil Soybeans 70% Harvested vs. 75% Last Year

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Brazilian soybeans were 70% harvested as of late last week compared to 75% last year according to AgRural. This represents an advance of 8% for the week. The Brazilian soybean estimate was left unchanged this week and the final production will depend on the soybeans in Rio Grande do Sul where the crop is 4% harvested.

Mato Grosso – The soybean harvest in Mato Grosso is essentially complete and the soybean yields in Mato Grosso were very good this growing season.

Parana – The soybean harvest in Parana was 60% as of late last week compared to 75% last year according to the Department of Rural Economics (Deral). This represents an advance of 12% for the week. The rainfall is diminishing in Parana which should allow for continued rapid soybean harvesting. The soybeans left to be harvested are rated 8% average and 92% good.

Rio Grande do Sul – The soybean harvest in Rio Grande do Sul advanced to 4% last week compared to 14% last year and 21% average according to Emater. This represents an advance of 3% for the week. There is tremendous variability in the early yields from 300 kg/ha (4.4 bu/ac) to 3,000 kg/ha (44.7 bu/ac). Emater indicated that the soybeans were not maturing uniformly and additional rainfall was needed. The soybeans were 12% flowering and 52% filling pods.

AgRural lowered their 2022/23 Brazilian soybean estimate 0.6 million tons to 150.3 million based mainly on a lower estimate for the crop in Rio Grande do Sul. They now estimate that the soybean crop in Rio Grande do Sul will be down 7 million tons from initial estimates. Good yields in other states will compensate for most of the losses in Rio Grande do Sul and keep the Brazilian soybean production from falling below 150 million tons.

Agroconsult increased their 2022/23 Brazilian soybean estimate last week to 155.0 million tons which was 1.6 million tons more than their estimate in January. AgRural lowered their 2022/23 Brazilian soybean estimate 0.6 million tons last week to 150.6 million. DATAGRO is estimating the Brazilian soybean crop at 150.8 million tons and Conab is estimating the crop at 151.4 million tons.

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