2022/23 Brazil First Corn Crop 28% Planted


The first corn crop in Brazil was 28% planted as of late last week compared to 26.5% last year according to AgRural. This represents an advance of 5.8% for the week.

Parana – The first corn crop in Parana was 47% planted as of earlier last week. The corn was 43% germinating and 57% in vegetative development. The crop is rated 2% average and 98% good.

Rio Grande do Sul – The corn crop in Rio Grande do Sul was 47% planted as of late last week compared to 44% last year and 47% average. Early crop development has been slowed due to the cool temperatures, but the earliest planted corn should still be ready to start harvesting in January. Emater is estimating the corn acreage at 831,700 hectares (2.05 million acres) which is an increase of 6% compared to last year and the total production is estimated at 6.1 million tons.

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