2022/23 Argentina Corn 33% Planted vs. 47% Average


Corn planting in Argentina continues to be delayed and very hot temperatures last week hit just as the early planted corn started to pollinate. The corn condition improved slightly last week, but the crop is still only rated 18% good/excellent. Two-thirds of the corn still needs to be planted and it is already mid-December, so the delayed planting will probably put pressure on the corn yields. Additionally, there is the possibility that not all the intended corn acreage will get planted.

The corn in Argentina was 32.7% planted as of late last week compared to 39.5% last year and 46.7% average. This represents an advance of 7% for the week. In the core production area, the corn is 70-80% planted. In southern Argentina the corn planting is very irregular with some areas 15-30% planted and other areas 60-70% planted. In northern Argentina, 0% of the corn has been planted

Approximately 57% of the early corn has been planted and 15% of the late corn has been planted. The early corn is 7% pollinating vs. 21% average.

The corn is rated 26% poor/very poor, 56% fair, and 18% good/excellent. The good/excellent percentage is up 3% from the prior week. The soil moisture for the corn is rated 33% short/very short and 67% favorable/optimum. The favorable/optimum percentage is down3% from the prior week. Below is the corn condition rating in Argentina from the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange for December 7, 2022.


2022/23 Argentina Corn Ratings*


Condition Soil Moisture
Poor/V. Poor % Good/Excellent % Short/V Short Favorable/Optimum
Oct. 27, 2022 35 (0) 10 (73) 42 (24) 58 (76)
Nov. 3, 2022 38 (0) 6 (82) 39 (15) 61 (85)
Nov. 10, 2022 34 (0) 9 (84) 42 (11) 58 (89)
Nov. 17, 2022 28 (0) 11 (91) 34 (7) 66 (93)
Nov. 24, 2022 25 (1) 12 (81) 32 (34) 68 (66)
Dec. 1, 2022 25 (0) 14 (91) 30 (7) 70 (93)
Dec. 7, 2022 26 (0) 18 (85) 33 (5) 67 (95)


*Source: Buenos Aires Grain Exchange – Crop Condition & Development Stages

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