2021/22 Brazil Safrinha Corn 98% Planted vs. 90% Last Year


Light rainfall over the weekend favored southern, west central, and northwestern Brazil. The rainfall was very welcomed in southern Brazil and improved the soil moisture for safrinha corn in Parana, Mato Grosso do Sul, and Sao Paulo. Rainfall this week should favor far southern and western areas which will allow some dryness to develop in central safrinha corn areas.

AgRural reported that 98% of the safrinha corn had been planted as of late last week compared to 90% last year. AgRural also reported that the first corn crop in Brazil was 58% harvested as of late last week compared to 47% last year.

Mato Grosso safrinha corn – Farmers in the state had planted 99.3% of their safrinha corn as of late last week compared to 97.5% last year and 99.2% average according to Imea. Rainfall in the state has generally been abundant since the corn has been planted and the safrinha corn in the state is rated in good condition.

In the municipality of Canarana in eastern Mato Grosso, the safrinha corn was planted within the ideal planting window and the crop is developing normally, but farmers are worried about future rainfall. The crop will continue to need rain through May if it is to reach its full yield potential. Farmers are reluctant to forward contract too much of their anticipated corn production until they are more confident of their production.

For the 2021/22 corn production, farmers in Mato Grosso have forward contracted 50.7% of their anticipated production compared to 70.8% last year and 54.7% average. For the 2022/23 corn crop that farmers will plant early next year, they have forward contracted 6.5% of the anticipated production compared to 12.6% last year and 5.5% average.

Parana safrinha corn – The safrinha corn in Parana was 87% planted as of earlier last week compared to 72% last year. This represents an advance of 18% for the week. As of earlier last week, 22% of the safrinha corn was germinating, 75% was in vegetative development, and 3% was pollinating. The crop was rated 95% in good condition compared to 90% the prior week.

Deral estimates that farmers will plant 2.63 million hectares of safrinha corn (6.49 million acres). Last month, Deral estimated the safrinha production at 15.5 million tons compared to 5.74 million produced last year. The 2020/21 crop was impacted by severe drought and a series of early frosts.

In the municipality of Palotina in western Parana farmers are hoping that the safrinha corn can help make up for losses associated with their soybean crop. Rainfall was normal during the safrinha planting and the early crop development is positive. The safrinha corn was 20% germinating, 60% in vegetative development, and 20% pollinating.

Parana first corn crop – The first corn crop in the state was 75% harvested as of earlier this week and Deral estimated that farmers had planted 434,231 hectares (1.07 million acres). The first corn crop in Parana represents 14% of the state’s total corn production while the safrinha corn crop represents 86% of the state’s total corn production.

Rio Grande do Sul first corn crop – Farmers in Rio Grande do Sul had harvested 68% of their corn as of late last week compared to 61% last year and 56% average according to Emater. This represented an advance of 4% for the week. The average corn yield is estimated at 57.1 sacks per hectare (54.5 bu/ac), which is down 53% from initial expectations. Improved weather during March should help the 15% of the crop that is still in vegetative development, pollinating, or filling grain.


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