2021/22 Argentina Soybeans 39% Planted vs. 41% Average


Argentina received widespread rains over the weekend with amounts in the range of 1-3 inches. This should give a significant boost to the soil moisture and favor the early growth of soybeans and corn. The forecast looks dryer going forward, but the better-than-expected rains over the weekend should give a temporary reprieve to the dryness.

Argentina continues to receive enough timely rains to maintain the soybean planting pace and germination and stand establishment.

The soybeans in Argentina were 39.3% planted as of late last week compared to 39.3% last year and 41.5% average according to the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange. This represents an advance of 10.7% for the week. In the core production area, the soybeans are 60-65% planted. In southern areas the amount of soybeans planted is highly variable depending on soil moisture with planting in the range of 10-60%. In northern Argentina, the soybeans are approximately 5% planted. A few farmers in the core production area have started to plant their double crop soybeans.

Soybean planting had been slowed in southern Buenos Aires and southern La Pampa due to the dryer conditions, but they received widespread rain over the weekend and there is more in the forecast for this week.


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