2021/22 Argentina Soybeans 14.4% Harvested vs. 27.0% Average

соя сбор урожая

The 2021/22 Argentina soybeans were 14.4% harvested as of late last week compared to 7.2% last year and 27.0% average. This represents an advance of 5.6% for the week. In the northern core area, the soybeans were 52% harvested with generally 10-15% harvested in most of Argentina and less than 5% harvested in far northern Argentina. The early planted soybeans were 22% harvested and the later planted soybeans were 0.4% harvested.

According to the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange, the average soybean yield thus far is 3, 140 kg/ha (46.7 bu/ac) which is up 0.3 bu/ac from the prior week. The average soybean yield by crop reporting district ranges from a low of approximately 2,200 kg/ha (32.7 bu/ac) to a high of 3,800 kg/ha (56.6 bu/ac). The highest yields are being reported in western Buenos Aires and northern La Pampa, which recorded the highest rainfall during the growing season.

The soybeans were rated 21% poor/very poor, 56% fair, and 23% good/excellent. The good/excellent percentage was down 2 points from the prior week. The Buenos Aires Grain Exchange mentioned again last week that their current soybean estimate of 42.0 million tons may be reduced once the full extent of the frost damage on the double crop soybeans is accounted for, which probably will not be known until the soybeans are harvested.

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