2021/22 Argentina Corn 30% Planted vs. 39.6% Average


Corn planting in Argentina advanced very little last week as farmers are waiting to start their second phase of corn planting. Once they start, the second phase of planting usually ends about mid-January. The better-than-expected rainfall over the weekend should encourage farmers in Argentina to start planting their second phase of corn planting.

The corn in Argentina was 30% planted as of late last week compared to 31.9% last year and 39.6% average according to the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange. This represents an advance of 0.8% for the week. In the core production area, the corn is 85-90% planted with 35-45% planted in southern Argentina and 0% planted in far northern Argentina

The condition of the corn was rated 1% poor/very poor, 18% fair, and 81% good/excellent. The good/excellent percentage is down 10% from the prior week. The soil moisture for the corn was rated 16% short/very short and 84% favorable/optimum. The favorable/optimum percentage is down 9% from the prior week. Approximately 5% of the early planted corn is starting to pollinate.

This is the first decline in the corn condition in several weeks and it reflects the recent dryer weather. The rainfall over this past weekend will probably result in improved corn condition ratings later this week.


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