2021/22 Argentina Corn 26% Planted, Soybeans Less Than 1%

засуха сев

Argentina Corn – There were some scattered light showers over the weekend in central and northeastern Argentina, but they did not relieve the dryness and more rain is needed. The forecast for this week is mostly dry with improved chances of rain in the 6-10 day forecast.

The concern in Argentina is the overall dry start to spring planting. It is still very early in the growing season, but the weather pattern in Argentina is worrisome and it looks like the predicted dryer-than-normal weather associated with La Nina is already in place in Argentina.

The 2021/22 corn in Argentina was 26.3% planted as of late last week compared to 27.5% last year and 33% average according to the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange. This represents an advance of 3% for the week, which is a relatively slow planting pace. In the core production areas, the corn is 80-85% planted with 15-35% planted in southern Argentina and 0% planted in far northern Argentina. Nationwide, approximately 55% of the first phase corn planting is complete with a few areas over 95% complete.

The corn is rated 1% poor, 34% fair, and 65% good. The soil moisture for the corn is rated 28% short/very short and 72% favorable.

Argentina Soybeans -.The soybeans in Argentina are still less than 1% planted, but the soybean planting should now start to increase with the first phase of corn planting nearly complete in parts of the core production areas.

There were a few localized showers in central and northeastern Argentina over the weekend, but they were not enough to change the overall dry pattern. The forecast for this week is mostly dry with improved chance for rain in the 6-10 day forecast.


Soybean and Corn Advisor

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