2020/21 Brazil soybean entering critical period

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The weather across Brazil has continued to slowly improve enough to probably stabilize the soybean crop. The two main areas of Brazil that need additional rainfall are Rio Grande do Sul in far southern Brazil and the states in northeastern Brazil. Both of these areas are forecasted to get some temporary relief with scattered rains this week.

The USDA will release their January estimate of the South American crops on Tuesday, January 12th and Conab will release their January estimate of the Brazilian crop production on Wednesday, January 13th.

Only a few isolated irrigated soybean fields in Brazil have been harvested and certainly less than 1% of the soybeans in Brazil have been harvested.

Mato Grosso Soybeans – A few early maturing soybeans continue to be harvested in western Mato Grosso with the state as a whole probably less than 1% harvested. The rainfall across the state remains variable, but the forecast this week is calling for improved chances of rainfall.

Parana Soybeans – The Department of Rural Economics (Deral) reported earlier last week that the soybeans were 23% in vegetative development, 42% flowering, 34% filling pods, and 1% mature. The soybeans were rated 3% poor, 17% average, and 79% good. Recent rainfall has generally been good enough across the state to stabilize the crop.

Rio Grande do Sul Soybeans – Farmers in the state have planted 99% of their soybeans and crop is 80% germinating and in vegetative development, 18% flowering, and 2% filling pods. The state has received variable rainfall amounts thus far this growing season and good rains during January will be needed in order for the soybeans to have anything close to normal yields.

The full-season corn in the state was severely impacted by the dry weather and some of the corn was abandoned and quickly replaced with a crop of soybeans instead. Other farmers are trying to harvest their corn as quickly as possible in order to plant a second crop of soybeans.


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