2020/21 Argentina Corn Rated 24% Good/Excellent, up 2%

There were only a few light showers over the weekend in southeastern Buenos Aires province with dry weather across most of the major corn and soybean producing regions. The forecast is calling for generally dryer-than-normal weather for the next 6-10 days across much of the area with seasonal temperatures.

Early planted corn in Argentina was 42% filling grain and 8% mature late last week. The late planted corn was about 30% pollinating last week and there might be a few fields of corn harvested this week.

The corn crop in Argentina was rated 9% poor to very poor, 67% fair, and 24% good to excellent late last week. The good to excellent percentage compares to 22% the prior week and 59% average. The soil moisture for the corn was rated 13% short to very short and 87% favorable to optimum. The favorable to optimum percentage compares to 85% the prior week and 88% last year.

The Buenos Aires Grain Exchange lowered their 2020/21 corn estimate 1.0 million tons last week to 46.0 million. The USDA left their 2020/21 Argentina corn estimate unchanged at 47.5 million tons in the February WASDE Report.


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