2020/21 Argentina Corn 97.7% Planted, Crop Rated 22% GD/EX

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The weather in Argentina has been very inconsistent thus far this growing season with some areas doing OK and other areas too dry. The corn development is also very spread out with some early planted corn ready for harvest while farmers in northern Argentina are still trying to finish planting their corn. With that much variability in both the weather and the corn development, it’s hard to accurately judge the corn’s potential.

There were good rains over the weekend in central and western Argentina and the forecast is calling for rain this week in the more northern locations. Southern Argentina only received limited rainfall over the weekend and there is only light rain in the forecast for southern Argentina. Earlier last week the temperatures in Argentina were hot and there was limited rainfall.

The 2020/21 corn crop in Argentina was 97.9% planted as of late last week with everything left to plant being in far northern Argentina. There are approximately 130,000 hectares of corn left to plant in Argentina. The early planted corn was 35% filling grain compared to 44% last year and 42% average and the early planted corn was 1.5% mature compared to 6% last year and 8% average. The later planted corn was 7% pollinating compared to 16% last year and 28% average.

The 2020/21 Argentina corn crop was rated 10% poor to very poor, 68% fair, and 22% good to excellent. The good/excellent percentage was down 6% from last week at 28% good/excellent and 59% last year. The soil moisture for the corn was rated 15% short to very short and 85% favorable to optimum. The favorable to optimum was down 8% compared to 93% last week and 91% last year.

The Buenos Aires Grain Exchange left their corn estimate unchanged at 47.0 million tons with the caveat that more rainfall will be needed to maintain the corn’s yield potential.


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