11 regions of Ukraine started sowing spring crops


As of March 23, 2022, the projected sown areas of the main spring crops for the 2022 harvest in the territory controlled by Ukraine are 5,990 million hectares, which is 1.689 million hectares less than last year (7,679 thousand hectares).

11 regions of Ukraine have started sowing spring crops, at the same time on the relevant date last year in Ukraine sowing has not yet begun.

Thus, all categories of farms sowed spring wheat 22.5 thousand hectares (forecast for 2022 amounted to 157.4 thousand hectares), spring barley 74.8 thousand hectares (forecast amounted to 1036.5 thousand hectares), spring rape 1.6 thousand hectares (forecast was 23.9 thousand hectares), oats 15.2 thousand hectares (forecast was 134.0 thousand hectares), peas 21.1 thousand hectares (forecast was 172.2 thousand hectares), sugar beets 3.3 thousand hectares (forecast was 201.9 thousand hectares), sunflower 2.2 thousand hectares (forecast was 4811.0 thousand hectares), soybeans 2.0 thousand hectares (forecast was 1041.4 thousand ha.).

The first feeding of winter crops with nitrogen fertilizers and care of crops continues in agricultural enterprises.

According to the operative information of the regions, sowing of winter crops for grain for the harvest of 2022 was carried out on the area of ​​7.7 million hectares, which is 0.4 million hectares more than in 2021, including:

  • 6.5 million hectares of winter wheat and triticale were sown, which is 0.4 million hectares more than in 2021,
  • rye sown 159 thousand hectares, or 34 thousand hectares more,
  • barley was sown on 1 million hectares, which is 45 thousand hectares more.

In addition, winter rapeseed was sown on an area of ​​1 million 24 thousand hectares, which is 143 thousand hectares more than in 2021.



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